Kentish Strawberry Jam Crumble Bars

Kentish Strawberry Crumble Bars

Working Method

Short Dough

Mix all of the ingredients together until you have a dough. 

Roll the dough out to a 3mm thickness and cut into your preferred shape. 

Pre-bake at 170 °C for approximately 15 minutes. 


Mix flour, sugar and seeds from a vanilla pod in the mixer on the paddle setting. 

Pour on the melted Mimetic Incorporation

Let the crumble cool down on a sheet in a fridge. 

Sprinkle the crumble on top of the Kentish Strawberry Jam or Topfil Strawberry and bake until there is a golden brown colour on top. 


1. Short dough

2. Fruit filling

3. Crumble


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